Watch Intro Video

Courses Built For You

  • Course Materials

    Supplementary course materials enhance your learning and keep you accountable, while providing opportunities to integrate the teachings into your daily life.

  • Video

    Comprehensive video lectures translate complex topics into user-friendly language.

  • Demonstrations

    Watch and learn with dynamic visual demonstrations.

Your Instructor

The creator of SmartFLOW Yoga, Annie is an international Yoga teacher based in Northern California. Known as a "teacher's teacher" she has created a well-respected system of Yoga practice and Teaching methodology. Annie's playful personality and focused intelligence bring depth, clarity and exuberance to her classes. A lifelong student, Annie continues to bring her passion and curiosity, love of anatomy, evolutionary movement, meditation and classical philosophy into her teachings. An influential Teacher Trainer since 2003, Annie leads SmartFlow 200/500 trainings and workshops globally. SmartFLOW Yoga is a modern approach with an anatomically sound foundation and inspired, creative sequencing, which is rooted in deep respect for the lineages of Integral, Iyengar and Ashtanga Yoga. Annie is committed to mindfulness, which inevitably leads to spiritual development and light-heartedness. SmartFLOW Yoga guides you to know your true Self. With the knowledge of the true Self comes compassion, peace and appreciation for all life.

Annie Carpenter

Enroll Now

Enroll in all three SmartFLOW Yoga courses to learn to teach intelligently, mindfully, compassionately